Cthulhu is Hard to Spell Volume 4 Digital Edition
Cthulhu is Hard to Spell is a book steeped in the mythology and gods of Lovecraft. The stories inside its pages follow the spirit of Lovecraft, but sometimes stray from the tone of Lovecraftian horror, too! Sure, some of the stories in this book are Lovecraftian in nature down to their very core, but there are also funny stories, cute stories, fantasy stories, sci-fi stories, and much, much more that build on the Lovecraftian mythos.
Best of all, this anthology is ALL AGES APPROPRIATE. These aren't stories made for children, necessarily, at least not all of them, but we toned down the cursing (there is none), the violence (there is no blood), and there was never any sex, to make sure you could show it to your child, even if they won't understand it all. The books involve such pros as Kris Simon (Morning Glories, Group Editor at IDW), Megan Hutchinson (Department of Truth, The Approach, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), and Ray Anthony Height (Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur)!